Promana's personalised behavioural assessments will help you develop and grow. Discover vocational insights, team fit, sources of stress, your leadership style, activation triggers and more - Promana delivers insights that matter
Support your clients' personal and group development, objectively reporting on observable behaviours. Gain accreditation and learn how to use Promana as you coach others to modify their behaviours to improve performance
Deploy Promana as part of your OD initiatives to foster improved organisational behaviours, diagnose people problems, as an aid to objective decision-making, hiring, succession, outplacement, L&D, in-house coaching and more
Twelve carefully crafted, behaviour-based assessments make up the Promana suite. Each represents a group of human behaviours known to be critical for things like task completion, social processes and time usage by people everywhere - whether as individuals, or within groups, teams or organisations.
No negative language constructs
Reports on behavioural preferences
Supports gender diversity
Eliminates subjectivity
Unreliable results are easily identifiable
Describes what people do, or will do
Quickly reach an understanding of critical traits and performance factors. Connect with a coach, or use results to reinforce a CV
Reveal hidden influences and identify potential sticking points when making hiring decisions, or planning for successions and outplacement
Model and display dynamic team behaviours which can help to explain why the group will – or won't be – effective in your situation