GET https://{APIDOMAIN}/api-v1/assessments HTTP/1.1
"type": "survey",
"language": "en_GB",
"key": "AI",
"name": "Activity Interests",
"descr_short": "Reports on performance-critical classes of activity that people prefer to get involved in, according to their personal interests.",
"descr_med": "The Activity Interests Profile examines performance-critical classes of activity that people prefer to get involved in, according to their personal interests.\r\n\r\nNine factors may be applied to any occupation: for example, problem solving interests are used in scientific analysis, computer programming and labour relations; administrative interests apply to clerical record keeping as well as managing sales territories, and social service interests apply to any area where the ‘people’ element is important. Three other factors set these interests in context by assessing the application of interests to actual activities, preference for change and variety, and interest in growing by adapting interests.",
"factors": [
"letter": "A",
"name": "Problem solving",
"description": "Problem Solving interests bring satisfaction through solving problems. That may be preventative, by planning for possible contingencies, or corrective, as in an emergent threat or opportunity. Common to all roles and functions, especially in management, problem solving skills are vital throughout every organisation."
"letter": "B",
"name": "Negotiating",
"description": "Negotiating interests bring satisfaction through persuading others to one’s point of view, or by bringing them to accept given positions or circumstances. It may open or manipulative, conducted by talking, writing or graphics, and done for selfish or benign reasons. Negotiating isn’t restricted to formal roles. People who are ’ready to deal’ may be found in any function."
"letter": "C",
"name": "Social",
"description": "Social interests bring satisfaction through working with people to enable them to reach their personal goals or needs. Managers and team leaders will need social interest as well as those interests that relate to their primary role. HR staff also need supplementary interests, such as problem solving and administrative activities. "
"letter": "D",
"name": "Practical",
"description": "Practical interests bring satisfaction through hands-on, physical activity and making things work well. These people see issues and events from a practical point of view. The factor has applications in a wide range of fields including engineering, operating machines and equipment, and organising objects and events."
"letter": "E",
"name": "Aesthetic",
"description": "Aesthetic interests bring satisfaction through working with design, color, appearance and presentation, especially the look, sound and balance of the parts and the whole. These people may be sensitive to their surroundings or concerned for appearances. This factor has applications in many fields, from artistic expression to industrial design and architecture."
"letter": "F",
"name": "Administrative",
"description": "Administrative interests bring satisfaction through dealing with the detail of keeping things up to date, looking ahead to prepare for what comes next and making sure things run smoothly. This factor may correlate with Administer (Action Style survey) and Administrator (Team Roles). The underlying principles apply equally to a clerical 'keep tidy' function and to the formal function of administration management."
"letter": "G",
"name": "Verbal",
"description": "Verbal interests bring satisfaction through using the written and spoken word correctly to ensure others understand what is meant, and by taking care to understand what others are trying to convey. The factor doesn't measure skill or effectiveness Verbal a skilled person may score low through lack of interest. But a high score should be accompanied by demonstrated written and\/or spoken communication skills."
"letter": "H",
"name": "Numerical",
"description": "Numerical interests bring satisfaction through working with numbers to get an accurate result, and using numbers as a means of conveying information to others. The factor doesn't measure skill or effectiveness. A skilled person may score low through lack of interest, while another person may be interested but incompetent."
"letter": "I",
"name": "Managerial",
"description": "Managerial interests bring satisfaction through leading others, and from involvement in planning, organising and controlling the action to reach objectives. This factor is an essential element of a managerial survey, commonly coupled with Problem solving, and it is beneficial in many others."
"letter": "J",
"name": "Application",
"description": "Application (of personal interests to available or required activities) is one of three factors, together with Change & Variety and Growth, that set the context for Factors A to I. It checks out the relationship between being interested in an activity, and having the opportunity to actually engage in it. Many people are in situations where they either have little chance to do what interests them, or they may be unable to avoid activities that do not interest them."
"letter": "K",
"name": "Change & variety",
"description": "Change & Variety is one of three factors, together with Application and Growth, that set the context for factors A-I. It shows 'stickability' at the low end of the scale and acceptance of or preference for variability at the top end. A high score for Change & Variety may be due to personal preference or to acceptance of situational demands Change & Variety the difference between personal choice and imposed conditions such as the nature of the work, or erratic activity patterns."
"letter": "L",
"name": "Growth",
"description": "Growth is one of three factors, together with Application and Change & Variety, that set the context for the first nine factors. It checks the likelihood that a person makes conscious and deliberate choices about which specific activities to get involved in, and whether or not they select specific interests for personal growth and development. This factor also indicates an interest in developing other people Growth see the Coaching survey."
"type": "survey",
"language": "en_GB",
"key": "TA",
"name": "Time Actions",
"descr_short": "Samples the ways that people prefer to spend their time.",
"descr_med": "The Time Actions survey samples the ways that people prefer to spend their time. Six of the twelve factors (A-F) represent time management practices and techniques. The other six factors (G-L) represent the use of time to satisfy personal wants or needs. The most preferred factors may be in conflict with each other or in harmony.",
"factors": [
"letter": "A",
"name": "Allocate time",
"description": "Allocate Time surveys behaviours associated with setting specific objectives, performance standards and priorities, then preparing programs and schedules as ways of harnessing time. Effective time managers rely strongly on this factor and on Managing Time, next."
"letter": "B",
"name": "Manage time",
"description": "Manage Time recognises that reality seldom runs smoothly and we need scope and flexibility to adjust our action plans. This is a prominent performance factor of effective managers."
"letter": "C",
"name": "Task time",
"description": "Task Time is oriented toward task achievement and the tendency to focus others on the work in hand: a taskmaster trait."
"letter": "D",
"name": "Process time",
"description": "Process Time assesses concern for people and the way they work together. Ideally, task and process time will be in close balance, but some situations or environments may require more emphasis on one than the other. For example, under pressure Task Time dominates over process time, but in the counseling process we reverse this to be effective."
"letter": "E",
"name": "Pace",
"description": "Pace explores self-perception of one's impact on the rate of doing things. A majority seems to score at the lower end of the scale, indicating that they fit in with the pace of activities around them."
"letter": "F",
"name": "Value",
"description": "Value assesses self-perception of the end value that comes from the way people use their time. The 'end value' may be personal satisfaction or enjoyment of the way time was used, or an output that meets the needs of others."
"letter": "G",
"name": "Activity time",
"description": "Activity Time is spent being busy, hopefully to create productive output. It is closely related to Task Time, above, but it doesn't follow that tasks are actually accomplished. 'Busyness' and preoccupation with activity instead outcome do not equal productivity. But productive people tend to have high scores for this factor and for Task Time."
"letter": "H",
"name": "Social time",
"description": "Social Time is spent chatting, talking around a subject or gossiping, being sociable, not necessarily socialising. It satisfies a personal need just to spend time with people, and it has a productive use when it oils the wheels of cooperation. But it may also be wasteful when it distracts people from the purpose at hand."
"letter": "I",
"name": "Habitual time",
"description": "Habitual Time is time spent following routine patterns of behaviour and fitting in with rituals without reviewing their value. Low score people need some habits to function, but they see themselves taking a fresh approach to each event or situation. Managers who have low scores may cause disruption for the people they supervise because of their fresh and varying approach, especially when coupled with Change and variety in the Activity Interests survey."
"letter": "J",
"name": "Wasted time",
"description": "Wasted Time is spent making one or more persons feel good or bad compared to others. This is not trivial wastage, such as managing time badly. This wasted time comes from 'playing games' and result in hurt feelings and some degree of failure for everyone involved. These games may happen on a grand scale and involve the whole organisation."
"letter": "K",
"name": "Withdrawal",
"description": "Withdrawal is time spent 'away' from people, either physically or mentally Withdrawal planning, daydreaming, switched off or out, contemplating, thinking things through, avoiding reality, reading, running, sleeping. We 'go away' for many reasons, some productive and some not so productive."
"letter": "L",
"name": "Interaction",
"description": "Interaction is time given to openness, trust and honesty. This factor is also known as intimacy, the open sharing of what we think and do."
"type": "survey",
"language": "en_GB",
"key": "AC",
"name": "Activation",
"descr_short": "Examines three perceived external rewards and five internal drives that relate to role performance and personal satisfaction.\r\n",
"descr_med": "The Activation Profile samples three perceived external rewards and five internal drives that relate to role performance and personal satisfaction. These factors are placed in the context of the past, the present or the future, with self-perception of progress toward personal goals.",
"factors": [
"letter": "A",
"name": "Material reward",
"description": "Material Reward assesses preference for increased remuneration or other material benefit."
"letter": "B",
"name": "Career reward",
"description": "Career Reward assesses preference for promotion, job enlargement, job enrichment, more responsibility and improved status in an organisation."
"letter": "C",
"name": "Social reward",
"description": "Social Reward assesses preference for friendships, contact with people and social interaction. This factor appeals to many people, among them people in their teens and twenties, as well as those who are toward the end of their careers. These younger and older people often couple this factor with Material reward, above."
"letter": "D",
"name": "A Person",
"description": "A Person wants to be accepted just as they are, with no strings or conditional messages that say, for example, 'Do what I expect of you and I'll accept you'. These people feel good about themselves and others, have self-confidence. They are equally interested in other people and respect them as persons."
"letter": "E",
"name": "A Producer",
"description": "A Producer gets satisfaction from delivering on commitments; wants to get results, then move on to the next task. This may fluctuate with what the person has 'on the go' at the time. It's not unusual to find A Producer 'on a high' when the pressure is on, then deflated by a period of idleness. Cross-check with the Action Style survey for a broader perspective."
"letter": "F",
"name": "A Helper",
"description": "A Helper wants to satisfy the needs of others by helping and serving them. Helpers enjoy recognition for willingness and perhaps conformity, but Producer-driven managers tend to give recognition for achievement, which they themselves prefer. With their need for this kind of recognition unsatisfied, Helpers lose a significant part of their drive, with consequent lowering of morale. This leads to changed attitudes and behaviours: 'If I can't help you or please you, see how you like this!'."
"letter": "G",
"name": "A Disturber",
"description": "A Disturber enjoys challenges and freedom to tackle these in their own way. They wade in to resolve problems but success depends on their competence. They can become disruptive when constrained or frustrated: the troubleshooter can become the troublemaker! Place these people where they feel challenged, but define their responsibility, authority and accountability clearly."
"letter": "H",
"name": "Pressure of time",
"description": "Pressure of Time drives people to meet deadlines. They may see time running out, with too little time to do all they must, or always running behind. This may be due to situational factors beyond their control, or to their ability to handle time, tasks and people."
"letter": "I",
"name": "Focus on Past",
"description": "Focus on Past is generally unproductive as it consumes energy, effort and attention that could be used more gainfully. But it is necessary to some processes such as forecasting, and controlling Focus on Past see Planner and Controller in the Leading survey. We need to distinguish between learning from the past and living in the past."
"letter": "J",
"name": "Focus on Present",
"description": "Focus on Present assesses awareness of 'here and now' reality. We need people to deal with everyday events, otherwise nothing would actually get done, so this factor ought to be prominent in an organisation or group."
"letter": "K",
"name": "Focus on Future",
"description": "Focus on Future reviews strategic behaviours, where people visualise what lies ahead, what might be done and how. Unless there is productive drive, looking ahead may be nothing more than daydreaming. It may have a limiting effect, as when people visualise a course of action and foresee it failing, without anything actually happening to suggest failure or success. Similarly, people may convince themselves that they cannot fail. Again, nothing has happened to support their belief but they are carried away by their own enthusiasm and over-confidence."
"letter": "L",
"name": "Headway",
"description": "Headway examines the life position of the respondent Headway where have I come from Headway how did I get here Headway where am I now Headway where am I going Headway how do I get there Headway will I get there? This helps us to understand the level of confidence people have about their future. Whether or not they have or can acquire the skills to get what and where they want is a separate issue."
"type": "survey",
"language": "en_GB",
"key": "TX",
"name": "Transactions",
"descr_short": "Six of its 12 factors sample processes we follow to reach conclusions. Five more survey the structure and tone of interpersonal transactions. One rates self-perception of decision making.",
"descr_med": "This Profile uses six of its twelve factors to sample and display the processes we follow to reach conclusions. These range from open-ended reasoning to blind faith. These factors are all alternatives, any one of which might be used alone or combined with others. A further five factors survey the likely structure and tone of transactions when communicating with other people. These five are all concurrent and interlace with one another during transactions. The final factor rates self-perception of decision making and communicating effectiveness.",
"factors": [
"letter": "A",
"name": "Reasoning",
"description": "Reasoning is the open-ended decision-making process that weighs and combines facts, opinions, assumptions and insights. It has no specific point at which a decision must be made. This 'endless' process may be paused at any stage when a decision is required, then resumed if and when required. Reasoning accepts that there may be no definitive answer. Effective people rate reasoning high as a decision mode."
"letter": "B",
"name": "Logic",
"description": "Logic is the conscious decision process that uses facts almost solely. Assumptions, opinions and insights are kept separate and tested carefully before being admitted. They are given less weight than proven facts in reaching an outcome. The mechanical nature of logic can limit creativity. Effective people rate logic alongside reasoning as a useful decision mode."
"letter": "C",
"name": "Intuition",
"description": "Intuition the unconscious equivalent of conscious reasoning. Without knowing it, we process thoughts which then emerge as insights, hunches and guesses. The critical step, having reached a conclusion intuitively, is to check it out through reasoning and logic. When intuition interacts with those two factors, the decision process is greatly enhanced."
"letter": "D",
"name": "Assertion",
"description": "Assertion is the declaration of held beliefs, statements based on experience but not rechecked for current validity, or judgments based on untested perceptions. They are not the same as 'being assertive', although they may contribute to that behaviour. They can be useful where the situation is well understood and a proven response is needed, such as on routine work with little room to deviate from procedures, or when safety is threatened."
"letter": "E",
"name": "Fate",
"description": "Fate acceptance that situations and issues will manage and resolve themselves. In an educated population, few people reach a high score. When you meet someone who has, explore their perceptions with care. They may have deeply held religious or other beliefs that give them faith in the future and its outcomes."
"letter": "F",
"name": "Magic",
"description": "Magic relates to beliefs such as the 'spirit world' with its seances and mediums. It may include sincere cultural beliefs based on ancestor spirit worship or primitive god-beliefs, and acceptance of paranormal phenomena. Or it may show simple mystification about the ways things happen, as with smart technology or stage magicians."
"letter": "G",
"name": "Judgemental",
"description": "Judgmental transactions are useful where authority and order are required, especially when a firm, parental style is needed. It may be likened to the image of a stern father. Of the five modes this is one of the two least productive (with Adaptive), but it has its place when it is used consciously at appropriate times. Judgmental transactions limit openness and impair relationships."
"letter": "H",
"name": "Supportive",
"description": "Supportive transactions convey our care and concern for others, a useful input to developing relationships. But people with high scores may have problems as they can be overprotective and overly controlling Their 'fussing around' may create irritation, avoidance or antagonism. They can stifle initiative by taking over problems, instead of helping people to grow through solving these themselves. But low scores suggest these people don't wish to accept responsibility for others, as distinct from responsibility over others."
"letter": "I",
"name": "Objective",
"description": "Objective people remain detached from influences and, at the same time, choose how and when to handle transactions. Detachment may be mistaken for indifference, but in this mode we can counter that by choosing to project any appropriate mode or modes. The Objective mode is the key to managing effective behaviour and communication, as it preserves conscious choice."
"letter": "J",
"name": "Natural",
"description": "Natural transactions use the responses we are born with, like feelings of happiness, anger, love, envy, caring, spite. In this mode we behave 'our selves', self-centered and self-indulgent at one time, then genuinely caring and sharing at another."
"letter": "K",
"name": "Adaptive",
"description": "Adaptive transactions reflect pressure to adapt to other people's expectations, to get what we want in return for conformity. In life, we conform to family standards, then teachers and peers. In working life we continue adapt to gain acceptance. Adapting may become so ingrained that we stop making choices about our conduct and simply conform. We 'go along with' others' wishes or act as they do. However, the adaptive person brings the benefits of easy cooperation, courtesy and team spirit."
"letter": "L",
"name": "Effective",
"description": "Effective transactions depend on effective decisions and effective communicating. This factor assesses self-perceived success in working with others to create understanding and to make decisions."
"type": "survey",
"language": "en_GB",
"key": "AS",
"name": "Action Style",
"descr_short": "Based on 10 guideline principles of war, Action Style assesses operating style, by surveying proactive behaviours that tend to be effective when used selectively to suit specific situations.",
"descr_med": "The Action Style profile assesses operating style by surveying proactive behaviours that tend to be effective when used selectively to suit specific situations. Based on ten guideline ‘principles of war’, these are not hard and fast rules. The Profile also assesses priority setting and self-perception of results to check how effectively people think they operate. This profile is affected strongly by the environment in which people perform. Personal action styles reflect that and change with the environment.",
"factors": [
"letter": "A",
"name": "Set priorities",
"description": "Set Priorities to schedule and revise activities and timings that enable people to function together. You may find correlations with Allocate Time and Manage Time in the Time Actions survey, as both surveys use similar constructs."
"letter": "B",
"name": "Pursue objectives",
"description": "Pursue Objectives is the key factor in an effective action style. Clearly stated, unambiguous and indivisible objectives are required as the focal point of all effort and activities. This requires the conscious and deliberate selection of objectives, coupled with singleminded, energetic and tenacious action."
"letter": "C",
"name": "Collaborate",
"description": "Collaborate to give each other mutual support, trusting each other, solving problems together, and sharing resources, ideas, plans and decisions. Low scores seem to fall into one of two groups. These groups include people who are required or prefer to work alone (perhaps sales people, 'back room' people, for example); and those who are not committed to the group (for example, people at odds with the team's culture, direction or activities, or who are in the process of withdrawing from the team or organisation)."
"letter": "D",
"name": "Concentrate force",
"description": "Concentrate Force by bringing all available resources together at the right time and the right place in the optimum balance, with neither too little nor too much force: getting it right the first time. This factor is next in importance to the pursuit of selected objectives."
"letter": "E",
"name": "Economise effort",
"description": "Economise Effort by using the least effort needed to get an optimum result, and getting it right first time. Economy of Effort conserves resources by allocating just the level needed for the event or activity, and by enabling others to perform roles and activities. Delegating responsibilty and authority needs to be effective from the time it is initiated and throughout its course, to avoid additional or repeated effort: that would be uneconomic and wasteful."
"letter": "F",
"name": "Act assertively",
"description": "Act Assertively to make things happen and get things done, taking positive action to pursue selected objectives. By acting assertively we strengthen and advance our interests and position, face up to issues and push for what we want. Nothing happens for us until we act; we have the choice of making things happen or not."
"letter": "G",
"name": "Use surprise",
"description": "Use Surprise as a way of gaining extra leverage in a competitive situation, which may occur organisation against organisation, person against person or group against group. Expressed positively in competitive situations, the use of surprise brings several valuable behaviours into play Use Surprise intelligence gathering, strategic and tactical scheming, seeking and exploiting opportunities. Alertness, concealment (of intentions and preparations) and timing are the keys to achieving surprise. Using the same principles, we are able to enhance morale and collaboration among our own people, or gain advantages against competitors and opponents."
"letter": "H",
"name": "Operate securely",
"description": "Operate Securely to protect the plan and ensure continuity of action. Eliminate risk, keep resources in reserve, stay within the resources available, keep firm control, tell only those who need to know, and be prepared for the unforeseen."
"letter": "I",
"name": "Manage morale",
"description": "Manage Morale to raise and sustain the standard of personal, team and group spirit and motivation. High levels of morale increase energy, drive, confidence and commitment. The concept can also be applied to adversaries, to lower their morale Manage Morale a practice we see frequently in sports, with the psyching up of our own people and psyching down of opponents. This can have a significant effect when transferred to competitive markets."
"letter": "J",
"name": "Administer",
"description": "Administer by establishing and maintaining uncomplicated sysems and processes. Effective administration is based on five principles Administer simplicity, foresight, economical use of resources, coordination and cooperation of administrative functions, and flexibility of plan and action. These principles translate into activity organised around systems, processes, methods, routines and standards."
"letter": "K",
"name": "Be flexible",
"description": "Be Flexible to avoid the limitations of a rigid approach. Make provision for variances and exceptions to be able to adapt to evolving events and situations. Find a point of balance where activities are neither too rigid nor too flexible for the circumstances, both individually and organisationally."
"letter": "L",
"name": "Evaluate results",
"description": "Evaluate Results assesses the respondent's perception of their own operating style. People tend to overrate or underrate their effectiveness due to either poor personal insight or to lack of feedback. Where there is a discrepancy between perception and reality, follow up with discussion and feedback on actual performance."
"type": "survey",
"language": "en_GB",
"key": "PO",
"name": "Poise",
"descr_short": "Reports on perceived sources of pressure and tension, the extent to which people believe they tolerate these, and their response when they experience stress.",
"descr_med": "The Poise Profile reports on perceived sources of pressure and tension, the extent to which people believe they tolerate these, and their response when they experience stress. Four factors explore activities as causes of pressure and tension, the way they handle those, the environment and the impact of others. Another four factors deal with ambiguity, deprival, conflict and frustration as sources of stress. A third set of four factors reports tendency to flee from the situation, to go along with it passively, to stand ground, or to seek ways to come bring issues under control.",
"factors": [
"letter": "A",
"name": "Activities",
"description": "Activities require us to spend energy and take action. Both expending energy and taking action may be sources of stress, either by putting pressure on us to perform or by creating inner tensions. Undertaking activities we would rather avoid brings added stress Activities see also the Activity Interests survey, Application (of interests) and Change & Variety, both of which may be stress indicators."
"letter": "B",
"name": "Self",
"description": "Self leads to stress when there is continuing uncertainty, confusion or lack of clarity about processes, structure or intentions. It may result, for example, from an unclear situation, where one doesn't know what to do or how it will be done, from contradictory pressures or demands, or from lack of understanding between people."
"letter": "C",
"name": "Environment",
"description": "Environment and who we are may be a cause of stress. The way we view the world, our expectations of it and how we handle what comes at us may all increase pressures on us or raise inner tensions. A structured person in an unstructured environment, or vice versa, someone who lacks the training, experience or support needed in their situation, or lacks social skills when interacting with others, may undergo stress."
"letter": "D",
"name": "Others",
"description": "Others has a significant impact on the pressure we have to bear. Issues such as noise and dirt, poor layout, long hours and few breaks, or too little to do and no way of filling in time may cause distress, as will poor organisation and erratic change. People are unlikely to feel OK in an environment that is hostile or sterile, and morale will suffer, individually or collectively."
"letter": "E",
"name": "Ambiguity",
"description": "Ambiguity may be uncooperative, irritating, absent, inaccurate, forgetful, indifferent and so the list grows. All or any of these and many other issues can contribute to stress. But we need to be sure that this is real, not just perceived. We need to compare one with many, and many with each other, to have substantial insight. Is one person's response to this survey a comment on the others, really, or on the respondent? Is it a common perception among the people who work in this group or team?"
"letter": "F",
"name": "Deprival",
"description": "Deprival causes stress when people don't have the ways or the means to get on with what they want to do or are required to do. Lack of information, tools, materials, cooperation or support are different forms of deprivation, as are lack of food, shelter, sleep and exercise. Substituting one thing for another may appear to supply a needed input, but the quality also needs to be a fair substitute. Failure to do that leads, for example, to dietary deficiencies where foods are concerned, confusion where rumor takes the place of facts, and lowered productivity when materials and facilities are below standard."
"letter": "G",
"name": "Conflict",
"description": "Conflict may be a sudden and abrupt cause of stress, or build over a long time. Generally we think of conflict between people, but we may also be in conflict with our environment, with our competitors' activities, or even within ourselves. This conflict within may result, for example, from feelings such as regret, guilt and concern for others on the one side, and simultaneously, personal needs, ambition and self-centeredness on the other side, causing inner tensions. Conflict may be below the surface or in the open, continuing or sporadic, one against many or group against group."
"letter": "H",
"name": "Frustration",
"description": "Frustration builds to stress over time when we are constantly unable to achieve some end. That end may be to create understanding with someone, to improve the quality or quantity of output, to make ends meet within a tight budget, or to find enough time to do all that has to be done, as some examples. Continuing frustration increases inner tensions. For a time we may go along with the situations, issues and exchanges that cause it but there are limits of tolerance and endurance. When we pass those, we stop going along with the flow and express our frustration through emotions such as anger or tears, or by avoiding the causes and triggers."
"letter": "I",
"name": "Flee",
"description": "Flee responses range from minor level disengaging to major walk outs and they may be physical, mental or emotional. (See the Time Actions survey, Withdrawal, for possible correlation.) We might flee physically from conflict or in search of a more satisfying environment, a new job or a new life, perhaps. To flee mentally we shut out thoughts or ignore situations that bother us by sleeping or creating an alternative virtual world where imagination replaces reality. Emotional escape might be had by shutting off our feelings about issues that press on us. Ending one's own life is the ultimate form of fleeing."
"letter": "J",
"name": "Flow",
"description": "Flow makes things easy by minimising thought, decision and effort. 'Go with the flow' is a charming mantra but, in the sense we give flow here, accepts the power of the stream over the power of the person. It is the least stressful of the four responses but it still an acknowledgment of stress Flow why else do we need to go with the flow? To go against the flow is potentially more stressful now but potentially more productive and satisfying in the longer term."
"letter": "K",
"name": "Fight",
"description": "Fight is based on the principle of standing one's ground and battling for what one believes. There are many ways of fighting, some undercover and some open. One issue is the degree of overt aggression or covert deceit used in the 'combat' and where that leads. Assertive action may increase resistance and generate even harder reactions Deceptive tactics may similarly bring a strong response as others defend their territory. Either course may lead to a complete breakdown in relationships. (See factor G: Conflict, above, as a cause of stress.)"
"letter": "L",
"name": "Fumble",
"description": "Fumble is the most productive single response of these four. Without knowing exactly what to do or how to go about it, people do try to bring situations under control. The wet and greasy football in play has chaotic dynamics. No-one can truly predict how it will behave or what will happen next, but everyone on the field wants to get possession. That’s their job. So they do their best, fumbling for control. How well they do will depend on their fitness, skills, discipline, collaboration and use of rehearsed drills Fumble and the competition they face."
"type": "survey",
"language": "en_GB",
"key": "TR",
"name": "Team Roles",
"descr_short": "Examines twelve defined roles, each critical to the dynamics of any given group.",
"descr_med": "The Team Roles profile defines twelve roles, each critical to the dynamics of any given group. Roles tend to be oriented toward task achievement or group processes, but an overall balance is desirable between both of these for a team to function well. A specific group may be located at the one place at the one time or dispersed over any area, and interactive either occasionally or continuously. In a group, any one person may fulfil any three or four roles at the same time. The blend and balance of these roles influences their effectiveness, as does playing too many or too few roles.",
"factors": [
"letter": "A",
"name": "Initiator",
"description": "Initiator sets the direction, goals, path and pace for the group. This role, like all others, is affected by the other roles the person combines with it. For example, the Initiator Initiator Ideator Initiator Activator combination tends to produce a strong but self-centered leader, who may be successful in leading the team at the outset but not later. This person certainly has vision and flair, but can disregard the value of inputs from others. By contrast, the Initiator Initiator Coordinator Initiator Monitor combination produces the qualities of an effective management leader."
"letter": "B",
"name": "Follower",
"description": "Follower in contrast to the initiator, the follower expects to be told what is wanted, how, when and where Follower but not necessarily why. Followers are amenable, fit in easily with other's plans, and develop an attachment to their leader(s)."
"letter": "C",
"name": "Coordinator",
"description": "Coordinator may or may not have a place in formal coordination of team interaction, as a chairperson or team leader does. Often the coordinator is a peer member of the group, who makes sure that all are being included in the process. The coordinator encourages input from inactive members, separates concurrent inputs such as people talking over one another, and enables all inputs to be placed into a logical order."
"letter": "D",
"name": "Liaisor",
"description": "Liaisor provides an interface with the team's 'outside world', whether that is within the organization they are part of, or in relation to a larger community. In either case, one or more people in a group tend to go between it and other groups, keeping both in the picture. The need for this role varies according to the purpose of the group. The liaisor behavior is often associated with sales and marketing people or others who have to spread or gather information, even at a social level."
"letter": "E",
"name": "Ideator",
"description": "Ideator generates ideas, sometimes endlessly it can seem. They may or may not have the ability or means to translate an idea into action, or even to develop a plan. They tend to be optimistic, and identify a way around an obstacle Ideator at least in principle."
"letter": "F",
"name": "Activator",
"description": "Activator gets people moving, providing both stimulus and impetus by encouraging, inspiring or impelling team members. He or she explains the 'reason why', appeals to feelings, and gives credit where it is due. Managers who have this trait tend to be effective team leaders, but often with one eye on their own sucess, not that of their team."
"letter": "G",
"name": "Censor",
"description": "Censor plays a valuable role in any group, acting partly as conscience and partly as devil's advocate, challenging ideas, beliefs and actions. Other team members often combine to shut out the censor, reacting more to what they perceive as negativity than they to the real issue or intention. This situation then enables mediators (below) to play their part. The coordinator needs to be active in keeping exchanges open and ongoing."
"letter": "H",
"name": "Supporter",
"description": "Supporter in part, an alternative to the follower role, as it includes the capacity to commit oneself to the success of others, sometimes actively engaged, sometimes acting as mentor. It can be likened to a sports supporter, actively involved in club activities and out there for the team, or contrasted to a sports follower, who tends to look on without contributing (except to buy the sponsor's product!)."
"letter": "I",
"name": "Mediator",
"description": "Mediator works actively to resolve differences within the group. This person sees all points of view without taking sides; gets in between opponents and helps them to appreciate the different viewpoints. The role is useful and necessary, but a surplus of mediators (or of any roles at all) leads to unproductive role duplication and overlap."
"letter": "J",
"name": "Monitor",
"description": "Monitor one of the three key roles (with initiator and coordinator) for group effectiveness. The monitor checks progress against intentions, points out major discrepancies, and recommends corrective action to get the team back on course. In a sense, this role is the group's control function. Management leaders are more effective when this role is associated with Initiator and Coordinator."
"letter": "K",
"name": "Implementer",
"description": "Implementer provides the call for Action! This role is often oversubscribed. When that happens, groups may take action before thinking things through. Muddled understanding, confusion, conflict and wasted effort follow. This reinforces the importance of the coordinator, monitor and administrator roles."
"letter": "L",
"name": "Administrator",
"description": "Administrator not least by far, this role takes care of details and makes sure the right things are done right in the right order. The role player thinks things through to provide a smooth passage, turning decisions into action, and using simple, flexible systems and processes."
"type": "survey",
"language": "en_GB",
"key": "AP",
"name": "Action Process",
"descr_short": "Defines twelve steps that make up a full action plan. Assesses where people are string, or need to develop.",
"descr_med": "This Profile defines twelve steps that make up a full action plan. A minor action plan may omit some of these steps, but as plans become more complex and detailed, so it becomes more necessary to include all twelve steps. Steps should be dropped off only when the consequences of doing so are fully understood. This profile assesses where people are strong or need to develop.",
"factors": [
"letter": "A",
"name": "Needs",
"description": "Needs process of comparing existing and preferred conditions to identify what needs to be changed. Through this process, needs are collated until the critical issues are defined."
"letter": "B",
"name": "Objectives",
"description": "Objectives process of moving from a selected critical issue, through forming an intention of what to do about it, to defining a specific objective. An objective must be a single, indivisible and unambiguous statement of what will have been achieved when the plan has been completed. This is the difference between 'will do...' and 'have done...'."
"letter": "C",
"name": "Parameters",
"description": "Parameters define two areas of control: first, the standards by which performance and results will be measured; and, second, any limits or constraints imposed to control what may or may not be done, or may or may not happen as the plan unfolds. Standards must be within the control of the person accountable for success, realistic and achievable. Limits set boundaries for action to prevent overlap of activity and crossed purposes. Constraints establish conditions that must be met or accepted as they are."
"letter": "D",
"name": "Deadline",
"description": "Deadline for overall completion of the action plan. The deadline may change as actual events show how the plan is progressing toward completion but, where two or more plans are coordinated, we need to understand the implications of changing this timing."
"letter": "E",
"name": "Accountability",
"description": "Accountability for effective and efficient completion of the whole plan. The person who devises the plan usually has overall accountability, as they delegate authority and responsibility to others to perform their parts."
"letter": "F",
"name": "Action Steps",
"description": "Action Steps are stated in priority order, dictated by time or by relevance. Time is important when one action must coordinate with another, or when resources can be put to work instead of being left idle. Relevance sets priorities when, for example, nothing else can be done until or unless a given step is first started or completed. Each action step is itself a need and an objective that leads to another action plan. The scope, scale and complexity of the step will determine the nature and size of the sub-plan."
"letter": "G",
"name": "Delegation",
"description": "Delegation of authority and responsibility to empower others and enable a specific action step to be completed. The level of authority and responsibility cannot exceed the level assigned to the person with overall accountability. Each act of delegating sets parameters in the same way as for the plan as a whole. They may be more stringent, to take into account issues such as subordinate competence and experience, the processes to be used and the availability of resources."
"letter": "H",
"name": "Timings",
"description": "Timings switch activity on and off. They coordinate the beginning and end of each action step, and create continuity. Timings are commonly based on clock or calendar, but may also be tied to events Timings for example, 'not before (a specified event) happens', 'on completion of (a specified event) or when specified conditions or situations arise."
"letter": "I",
"name": "Resources",
"description": "Resources are allocated to action steps, consistent with what must be done, the level of delegation for the step, and to be available at specified timings. They need to be scheduled carefully for efficient and effective resource usage. Task resources include money, materials, information and facilities, for example. Time resources cover our means of measuring and controlling time, and establishing smooth flows. Human resources are talents, personal attributes, behaviours and relationships."
"letter": "J",
"name": "Processes",
"description": "Processes like resources, need to be aligned with action steps, delegation and timings. Processes are the means by which we get things done while consuming resources, and they need to be suited to their purpose. That may mean making do, a poor option, adapting existing ways of doing things, or creating new ways from scratch to provide exactly what is needed."
"letter": "K",
"name": "Values",
"description": "Values enable us to establish the worth of doing anything in the first place, gauging progress and weighing up the end result. We find out about initial worth by comparing costs with benefits. We need to use a common unit, usually monetary, to enable us to compare any one thing with any other. But our first efforts may be based on machine or human hours, numbers of pieces of equipment, volume of output, space occupied, downtime and so on."
"letter": "L",
"name": "Outcomes",
"description": "Outcomes bring progress reports to help to assess a plan's effectiveness as it unfolds. These progressive reviews enable timely adjustments, when and where necessary, to keep on track. When the plan is completed, compare the original intention with what has been actually achieved Outcomes the final outcome. By looking back over all activities and events, we may find ways to improve performance."
"type": "survey",
"language": "en_GB",
"key": "TW",
"name": "Team Work",
"descr_short": "Explores the interaction of task achievement, time usage and people, in the context of resources and processes, and examines six parameters that affect team performance.",
"descr_med": "The Team Work profile explores the interaction of task achievement, time usage and people, in the context of resources and processes, and examines six parameters that affect team performance. The profile samples the means of carrying out tasks, utilizing time and using people effectively, assesses the ways that these are employed to get things done, and surveys work quality, work quantity, work costs and time as inputs and outputs, with constraints and wastage sampled as well.",
"factors": [
"letter": "A",
"name": "Task means",
"description": "Task Means are those tangible and intangible resources needed to perform work. These resources include, for example, necessary equipment and facilities, the right people for the job and any material or budgetary needs. It also includes the goodwill and support of others."
"letter": "B",
"name": "Time means",
"description": "Time Means includes the availability of sufficient time to carry out tasks. We measure time with familiar devices such as clocks, calendars and timelines, keep track of where it goes and look for ways to economise. We seek to reduce time wastage wherever we can. At the same time, we tend to establish patterns of activity which are also bound to time, falling into rhythms that speed up and slow down. The way we manage these patterns has a lot to do with our effectiveness."
"letter": "C",
"name": "Human means",
"description": "Human Means are the resources that people carry about with them: their talents, their physical, mental and emotional attributes, their behaviours and their relationships. All of these impact on the usefulness of each person to the task. In selecting or assessing people, we look at each element to determine who is most suited to the work and the situation."
"letter": "D",
"name": "Task ways",
"description": "Task Ways are the behaviours that get work done. We set up processes to get results, choosing technologies that suit the task in hand. Standard formats help us to handle repetitive tasks, so we prepare routines and operating procedures, then follow that way. We seek out the inputs we need and use the best way to get the task done. We aim to produce what is required, adding value through our own efforts."
"letter": "E",
"name": "Time ways",
"description": "Time Ways such as forecasting, prioritising and synchronising give us processes for managing time in both the short and long term. By looking back at what has happened and ahead at what might occur, we can make better informed decisions about what to do. From this we can organise our time and keep it focused on our aims."
"letter": "F",
"name": "Human ways",
"description": "Human Ways involve discussion and interchange, from and through which we make decisions, and collaboration to put those decisions into effect. Decisions may be made alone or shared, rational or spontaneous, and intended to last or just to suit the moment. What passes between people may be formal or informal, direct or indirect, friendly or frosty. These elements of the human process may correlate with factors in the Transactions survey."
"letter": "G",
"name": "Output quality",
"description": "Output Quality is a parameter we use to gauge output. The key is whether or not the quality matches the need. Low quality must be acceptable where quantity, cost and time work against us and prevent us from putting a better finish on the goods or services we provide. To raise quality levels, we need to invest more time or money, reduce the quantities we turn out or combine two or more of these options."
"letter": "H",
"name": "Output quantity",
"description": "Output Quantity is a second measure of performance. It covers concern for totals of goods and services output, and for meeting targets and quotas. What can be produced depends on the resources and processes available, and how the four parameters of quality, quantity, cost and time fit together for the individual and the team."
"letter": "I",
"name": "Output cost",
"description": "Output Cost covers economy of operation, budgeted resources and value for the time and money invested. Cost is an overriding factor in team work as it affects everything. Cost rises and falls with the way we balance quality, quantity and time against each other, mixed with the resources and processes we employ."
"letter": "J",
"name": "Output time",
"description": "Output Time is the task-oriented use of time, concerned only with applying it to getting things done. Compare this factor with Time means and Time ways, above, and with the Time Actions survey, especially factors A, B and C, Allocate time, Manage time and Task Time."
"letter": "K",
"name": "Constraints",
"description": "Constraints in this context are the handicaps we each bring with us, the limits imposed on us by the situation and the conditions we must work with. Personal handicaps may be, for example, physical challenges, mental preparation or our stress threshold. Situational limits includes such things as environment, culture and the general resources available to us. Work conditions are those that we physically engage or sense, and which directly affect our ability to get on with the task in hand."
"letter": "L",
"name": "Wastage",
"description": "Wastage focuses on behaviours associated with minimising loss and waste, whether through wasteful processes, wrong decisions, lost effort or any similar issue. High score behaviours seek to get things done right the first time, including finishing what is started without having to restart. Low score behaviours raise the possibility of anything and everything getting out of hand through ignorance, indifference or distraction. High levels of wastage are acceptable only when time and money are no object."
"type": "survey",
"language": "en_GB",
"key": "TB",
"name": "Team Building",
"descr_short": "Surveys the human process elements constructive in team interaction (for example joining, fitting in, participating and adding value).",
"descr_med": "The Team Building Profile surveys human process elements that are known to be constructive in team interaction. Broadly, these include the stages of joining the team and fitting in, participating in team activities, and helping to make the team stronger. This profile has a close relationship to the Team Roles profile — it will be useful to examine that as well.",
"factors": [
"letter": "A",
"name": "Joining",
"description": "Joining means placing the success of the team above one’s own success. We must have a part to play and the expertise needed to fulfill that part. We need to fit in with the way the team functions, that is, play by its rules, observe the relationships between all other parts that are played and ensure that anything we do takes the whole team further forward."
"letter": "B",
"name": "Integrating",
"description": "Integrating makes us part of the team ‘machine’, so that we all function together smoothly. This is achieved by sharing interests, opinions and objectives, by accepting how and where everyone fits in, and by behaving in ways that promote the team’s success. That behaviour involves fulfilling expectations of what each of us will contribute and achieve, and the seamless integration of all activity and action."
"letter": "C",
"name": "Seeking",
"description": "Seeking extends team integration into the preparation and pursuit of objectives, where individual goals are subordinate to the team’s. This implies mutual planning and shared understanding of what is to be done and for what end purpose. Within the overall objectives of the team, we form personal and compatible goals. Each team member needs to be well aware of what other team members seek so they can give their support in appropriate ways."
"letter": "D",
"name": "Leading",
"description": "Leading singles out behaviours that enable others to do what has to be done and one’s own capacity for standing the heat when things go wrong. To enable other people, we need to identify objectives, recognise the best persons for the tasks, make sure they have what is needed for the situation and remove any obstacles. There is, of course, much more to leading than that, so see also the Leading survey."
"letter": "E",
"name": "Sharing",
"description": "Sharing what is in our minds is an important part of teamwork and team building. Unless we are open about thoughts that affect others, positively or negatively, we contribute to ignorance and possible suspicion. For this kind of openness, we ourselves need to be ready and willing to express our thinking, but we also need people who are ready and willing to take it in."
"letter": "F",
"name": "Challenging",
"description": "Challenging requires us to listen as well as comment. Contesting accepted norms and objectives, and the way things are done, is a first step to improving team performance. We need a balance between decisive commitment and continuity of operation, on the one hand, and willingness to review and confront any aspect that is not up to scratch."
"letter": "G",
"name": "Communicating",
"description": "Communicating keeps people in the picture. A companion to Sharing, above, it goes to the next level of deliberately and promptly keeping people informed about everything that affects them. In this way, it has an impact on morale as it limits rumor and gossip. As with other factors in this survey and the concept of team building generally, communicating is a two-way street where willingness to take in information is equally as important as giving it out."
"letter": "H",
"name": "Deciding",
"description": "Deciding may be done alone or with others. Decisions that are best understood and accepted are those where the thinking is shared, even if the final call falls to one person. This factor rates shared decision making with that final choice made by one person. Other factors in this survey, combined with this one, will give an idea of whether the decision process is more or less collaborative or democratic. For example, Deciding coupled with a high Leading score suggests the final choice is made alone, while Deciding coupled with Cooperating (next) suggests elective decision making. However, the actual combinations and weight of relevant factors need to be examined."
"letter": "I",
"name": "Cooperating",
"description": "Cooperating depends in part on the way we organise, but also on overcoming interpersonal obstacles. We have to understand not what is said but what is meant and what wanted, otherwise we fall at the gate. Even then we need the goodwill of team members for full cooperation, and each person must play her or his part. Coordinated activities, shared effort and shared responsibility are part of the equation too."
"letter": "J",
"name": "Supporting",
"description": "Supporting each other is part of ensuring the team’s effectiveness, As with most other factors in this survey, mutual support depends on recognising each other’s part and place in the team, their needs and their strengths. It requires willingness to go the extra distance to give the help that is wanted, and a willingness to let others know when we need help ourselves."
"letter": "K",
"name": "Reaching out",
"description": "Reaching Out keeps people and teams in touch with each other. No team works in isolation from the rest of the world, not even astronauts. They may be physically removed but they are still very attached to their base. Teams need to reach out to others they operate with in the same way that individuals need to build and sustain links. Fluid communication and contact between groups helps them fulfill their function."
"letter": "L",
"name": "Developing",
"description": "Developing is essential to improve performance and increased success. This factor focuses on personal growth, both self-initiated and encouraged by others. Without development of each team member, task skills are not maintained, let alone enhanced. Other areas need to be improved too, not least those connected with each aspect of team building covered by this survey."
"type": "survey",
"language": "en_GB",
"key": "TC",
"name": "Team Coaching",
"descr_short": "Samples the balance of strategies for learning, the approach taken to developing others, and the role or roles through which that development is done.",
"descr_med": "The Team Coaching profile samples, first, the balance of strategies for learning, second, the approach taken to developing others, and third, the role or roles through which that development is done. The four strategies are understanding, applying, exploring and observing. The second group covers improving performance through showing others what to do, explaining the detail, giving practice, then polishing the results. The final set assesses the roles of adviser, tutor, counsellor and mentor.",
"factors": [
"letter": "A",
"name": "Understand",
"description": "Understand by forming a logical picture of events, perhaps using models or analogs, asking for clear explanations, asking incisive questions, and following those through step-by-step. A high score suggests active use of the mind in this way, while a low score suggests indifference to theories (no matter how valid) and principles."
"letter": "B",
"name": "Apply",
"description": "Apply by practical involvement to see how things work and what happens through the interaction of people or physical parts. This includes hands-on learning for tangible subjects such as working systems and processes, and the real-time practice of less tangible subjects such as spoken language or pure math."
"letter": "C",
"name": "Explore",
"description": "Explore by going into unknown territory. People in this category tend to be younger, at least in outlook, less inclined to accept the status quo. With most the novelty of new experiences fades, but some carry their enthusiasm for the new and untried through their lives. They tend to go into new situations spontaneously, just to see what it is like or what happens. They may never do the same thing twice, or use the same approach once their interest wanes."
"letter": "D",
"name": "Observe",
"description": "Observe by watching others and their activities, and reflect on what is noticed. We all learn some behaviours by watching others and how they go about things. Sometimes we do this on a small scale. For example, we might watch how people relate to each other to see how we might best fit in. On a grand scale, country spies on country to learn the secrets of success."
"letter": "E",
"name": "Show",
"description": "Show how the whole thing works in practice, using whatever means are available. This demonstrates that it can be done and allows onlookers to observe cause-and-effect relationships. The process may be broken down into segments and steps to simplify the display. This allows us to disclose detail that might otherwise be lost in the mass."
"letter": "F",
"name": "Explain",
"description": "Explain as much as is needed at the level of development. Too little and too much explanation both limit the process. When we explain things we need to make space for questions from the learners, as well as ask questions of them to check that we are building understanding. Depending on individual mixes of the coaching and learning strategies (A to D, above), some people will take in information that will bypass others. We need to know our audience to ensure we deliver information they will be able to take in."
"letter": "G",
"name": "Practice",
"description": "Practice makes perfect. Observing and understanding the process take us only so far. With physical processes or operations, we need hands-on experience to develop skills. Many processes draw on multiple skills, so each of these has to be created or adapted. Mental preparation is important too, partly to visualise successful operation of the process, partly to evolve our thinking about twists and turns that might face us as the process goes on. Practice also gives us the opportunity to detect any errors in understanding or operation."
"letter": "H",
"name": "Polish",
"description": "Polish puts the finish on skills. After practice comes application and through application the chance to hone skills to a continually higher level. When the polish is applied depends on timing, opportunity and need. A team's basic skills aren't good enough to cope with every situation, such as when the pressure goes on or a unique situation arises. A successful dance troupe doesn't get on stage until its rhythms and routines are polished to perfection And just as a glossy floor gets polish when the shine begins to dull, so do team members need refreshing from time to time. Polishing is a continuing process."
"letter": "I",
"name": "Advisor",
"description": "Advisor gives advice without waiting to be asked, spelling out the options and recommending one or another course of action. Advice is usually based personal experience or professional understanding of cause and effect. The advantage offered by the advisor is they can understand sometimes complex issues that the person seeking advice does not. The disadvantage is that the person being advised may still not understand the nature of their 'problem' or the solution, nor accept responsibility of the consequences of taking advice."
"letter": "J",
"name": "Tutor",
"description": "Tutor gives straightforward instruction and training in subjects and processes. This factor links directly to the four coaching strategies above. The tutor conveys knowledge, attitudes and skills that are relevant to the learning need. These include both theoretical and practical understanding that evolves into competence. The subject matter or processes are already established bodies of knowledge or skills that the learner is required to take in."
"letter": "K",
"name": "Counsellor",
"description": "Counsellor seeks to enable the person being counselled to explore and resolve issues that affect them. Counselors may never come to understand the client's issues in depth, but they act as sounding boards, drawing out and reflecting their client's thoughts. The counsellor's input is designed to carry the client's thinking forward, by asking what alternative approaches might be used at each step. They may suggest alternatives themselves but without leading the cllient to a choice as an advisor would. The underlying principle is that the problem is owned by the person counselled, and so must be the solution. The counsellor may help the client to form a plan of action and discuss how to execute it."
"letter": "L",
"name": "Mentor",
"description": "Mentor supports a selected few, watching over their interests and progress. The mentor gives help when asked or when becoming aware that action is needed. That help may be advice based on experience or specialised knowledge, or the use of influence to remove or minimise obstacles."
"type": "survey",
"language": "en_GB",
"key": "TL",
"name": "Team Leading",
"descr_short": "Reports on preferred leadership environment, preferred leadership roles, and preferred leadership modes.",
"descr_med": "The Team Leading profile reports on three groups of factors. First, preferred leadership environment, second, preferred leadership roles, and third, preferred leadership modes. The first section samples the preferred balance between structure versus chaos, and collaborative versus directive leadership. The second section weighs the preferred mix of strategic, tactical, situational or functional roles. The third group compares preference for the leader, planner, organiser and controller modes.",
"factors": [
"letter": "A",
"name": "Structured",
"description": "Structured leaders establish and maintain standard procedures and routines that are suited to a regulated organisation and its end purpose. People cooperate within the understood and accepted system."
"letter": "B",
"name": "Collaborative",
"description": "Collaborative leaders work willingly with their team and are supportive of team members. They share their thinking, decision making, goal setting, resources and effort. They find interests in common with the team, and that helps them keep the team together, acting in concert."
"letter": "C",
"name": "Flexible",
"description": "Flexible leaders react to situations as they see them, shifting their ground to gain an advantage and to maintain balance. These leaders vary between guiding those who are willing to be led and applying pressure to those who are not. At times they are concerned for what the group thinks as a whole, but at other times they are more likely to assert their own ideas and methods."
"letter": "D",
"name": "Directive",
"description": "Directive leaders make centralised and unilateral decisions. This suits a command structure organisation where directives flow outward and downward to distribute information and tasks, and information and results flow in. It does, however, limit voluntary contributions where these are outside set parameters. A directive leader is out of place in a collaborative organisation unless he or she is expected to change the culture."
"letter": "E",
"name": "Strategist",
"description": "Strategist leaders are concerned with positioning the organisation and team to achieve defined objectives and to take advantage of appropriate opportunities. They seek to ensure that current conditions and activities enable the team to move forward with minimal risk from one secure place to another. They focus on critical issues and events that deliver key results."
"letter": "F",
"name": "Tactician",
"description": "Tactician leaders influence the course of events by defining specific objectives and by taking deliberate action to achieve those objectives. They make use of tactics that will turn things in their favor or against their opponents and competitors, and boost the power of their team. They gather and use intelligence, and make the most of existing conditions."
"letter": "G",
"name": "Situationalist",
"description": "Situationalist leaders are quick to grasp the meaning of issues and events. They weigh up alternatives and decide how to deal with the situation. Depending on whether the situation presents as a threat or an opportunity, they try for the greatest gain or the least loss. Their overall aim is to master the situation."
"letter": "H",
"name": "Functionary",
"description": "Functionary leaders apply specialised knowledge, skills and experience in their area of expertise. They may perform tasks themselves or lead others who have skills in the same area. They avoid known risks and the likelihood of loss by following established procedures and routines. They add value by producing tangible results."
"letter": "I",
"name": "Leader",
"description": "Leader assesses three specific process-oriented behaviours: negotiating and enforcing performance contracts, getting others to take action, and modeling effective behaviours. Leaders reach agreement about what will or won't be done and the benefits that will result. They attract others to the task, cause them to take the necessary action then give appropriate recognition. In the process, leaders show team members how to be effective, by their own example and by guiding and coaching each team member."
"letter": "J",
"name": "Planner",
"description": "Planner assesses three specific process-oriented behaviours: estimating what can be done, determining what shall be done, and preparing for its accomplishment. Planners examine past performance and prevailing conditions to define future prospects, then establish alternative objectives and courses of action. From this they determine which goals and courses of action to follow. Preparation takes them through the 'how to' process, where resources are organised and committed to specific ends. Planning is a continuous process that goes from general strategies to specific, detailed actions."
"letter": "K",
"name": "Organiser",
"description": "Organiser assesses three specific process-oriented behaviours: marshalling resources, allocating resources to tasks, and enabling people and resources to function together effectively and efficiently. Organisers locate needed resources and secure their supply. They schedule them to tasks by quantity and time, as required by the plan. They delegate authority and responsibility to enable others to use allocated resources and give their support to ensure everything works as intended."
"letter": "L",
"name": "Controller",
"description": "Controller assesses three specific process-oriented behaviours: establishing performance standards, contracts, guidelines and routines; assessing and comparing progress; and adjusting standards, guidelines and routines to keep the action on track for given objectives. Controllers seek consistency in input, process and output, as compared with preset standards. They expect others to follow guidelines and procedures. They check activities and progress against what was intended and measure ongoing results. They reconcile any differences between planned and actual results, without detracting from the objective."