GET https://{APIDOMAIN}/api-v1/group/{UUID}
This GET request expects a URL slug (represented by {UUID}). The UUID must belong to a group attached to your organisation.
Typical response will return the group (type, code, name and uuid), and a recursive tree containing subgroups to any depth.
"memo": "Group names, types, and descendant groups of the requested group UUID (with membership of the top level group)",
"data": {
"group_type": "Company",
"grouptype_code": "COMPANY",
"group_name": "wibble",
"uuid": "a1af0ed6-f245-45a0-9d23-4c0afe16d228",
"groups": [
"group_type": "Department",
"grouptype_code": "DEPT",
"group_name": "some department",
"uuid": "75a7d93a-5dd4-4850-ab68-1c1f85baad74"
"users": [
"uuid": "593f71f8-e911-4bfd-872b-23d6ce5c2121"