Input validation, warnings and errors

Input validation, warnings and errors related to delivery of Surveys.

Scenario: not enough (or no) base parameters

    "error": "validation error",
    "message": {
        "user_uuid": [
            "The user uuid field is required."
        "survey_uuid": [
            "The survey uuid field is required."
        "sequence_num": [
            "The sequence num field is required."
        "choice": [
            "The choice field is required unless sequence num is in 0."

Scenario: invalid user_uuid

    "error": "validation error",
    "message": {
        "user_uuid": [
            "the uuid is not recognised for any user in your organisation"
        "survey_uuid": [
            "the specified survey is not assigned to this user "

Scenario: invalid survey_uuid

    "error": "validation error",
    "message": {
        "survey_uuid": [
            "the uuid is not recognised for a survey assignment your organisation"

Scenario: valid survey_uuid but not assigned to the user
    "error": "validation error",
    "message": {
        "survey_uuid": [
            "the specified survey is not assigned to this user "

Scenario: A high sequence_num given for a non-started survey

    "warning": {
        "NOT_STARTED": "The assigned survey hasn't collected any responses yet. To start a survey, use a sequence_num of 0 to obtain a valid token and pair."