Parameters for other contracts

If your organisation’s contract with PfP does not include a revenue sharing arrangement, you should pass the following parameters in the auto_assign JSON object.

If your organisation’s contract with PfP does not include a revenue sharing arrangement, you should pass the following parameters in the auto_assign JSON object, when auto-assigning assessments to users during a POST users/create.

Structure of the auto_assign object

Typical object structure


The object must be provided in the form of an array, consisting of 1-12 objects.

Each object must contain

  • a valid key – the key must be a two-letter code representing one of the PfP assessments.
  • a valid target, which may be
    • “self” – the assessment is going to be completed by the respondent about him- or herself
      • the resulting survey/report context will use the personal pronouns I/me/my, etc
    • a valid user UUID – the UUID must belong to any user defined in your organisation’s user population.
      • If the UUID belongs to a female user, the resulting survey/report context will use the personal pronouns she/her/her, etc
      • If the UUID belongs to a male user, the resulting survey/report context will use the personal pronouns he/his/him, etc
    • a valid group UUID – the UUID must belong to a group that exists in your organisation
      • the user does not have to be a member of the group
      • if the user belongs to the group, the resulting survey/report context will use the personal pronouns we/us/our, etc
      • if the user does not belong to the group, the resulting survey/report context will use the personal pronouns they/them/their, etc